Friday, July 23, 2010

After 18 years in court exxon still has not paid up for the Valdez oil spill .39 billion in profits . whatsup?

It would appear the press reported years ago, Exxon ordered to pay 5.4 billion in damages . To wit they set aside the money in an interest baring investment account and went to war trying to reduce the settlement .They are currently arguing that any punitive judgment should not exceed 25 million . As of December of 2006 the 9th circuit court had already reduced it to 2.4 billion which Exxon is still arguing over . Bush has given Exxon Billions in tax credits while Exxon still refuses to pay out for its clean up and damage to the fisheries in the sound area . Conservative responsibility no doubt in action here .After 18 years in court exxon still has not paid up for the Valdez oil spill .39 billion in profits . whatsup?
I remember when that happened, and seeing the oil covering the sea and wildlife therein. Internatinal Law is difficult to grasp, but I agree that the fines need to be paid. Who gets the $$$ is the big question (the state of AK, Fed Govt, the fisherman who went bankrupt...)?

I haven't purchased Exxon/Mobil fuel since the Valdez crash.After 18 years in court exxon still has not paid up for the Valdez oil spill .39 billion in profits . whatsup?
This is not a ';Big Oil'; issue...

This is totally in the hands of trial lawyers and insurance companies....and guess which party is most in bed with trial lawyers and insurance companies?

Here's a hint...ask Hillary Clinton and John Edwards...
i will never know why, they did get a reduction in their fines!!!!!

vote in oil this is what happens!
Bush didn't give Exxon tax credits.

Congress did.

And they were for reasons I'm going to go ahead and guess that are above your level of economic understanding.

Cheers, mate.
the only ones who win in court are lawyers..ask the libs why there are so many loopholes in the law that this crap can be drug out for this many years....

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