Then we could be 100 % dependent on OPEC, Venezuela, etc.Why do Dems Force us to Outsource Oil Production? Will Hillary be Happy if she Taxes Exxon into Closing Down?
in order to protect the environment since they're all a bunch of NIMBYs (not in my back yard), hence why there's been no new refineries or nuclear power plants built in the last 30 years.
if hillary can get a cut from closing Exxon down, she'd probably be happy %26amp; so would Algore.Why do Dems Force us to Outsource Oil Production? Will Hillary be Happy if she Taxes Exxon into Closing Down?
Oh, the Dems have been in charge of this country for the past 30 years? I didn't realize? It's not about the Dems. Its about the fact that we don't have the natural resources to compete on the world market. It also doesn't make sense to invest billions of dollars AND several years in increase domestic oil production. We should make the investment in a longterm solution to our energy needs... Oil is not it. We need to move to cleaner, renewable energy sources. We also need to become more conservation conscious.
Obama 2008
Why would Dems force us to outsource?
Tax the crap out of Exxon. Any time a company is making BILLIONS in profits every quarter then we need to look at them. At my local gas station I have seen prices jump 11 cents in 3 days. 80 cents in less than a year. What if the post office all of a sudden says hey...our stamps are going from 40 cents to 1.20 next week and 2.50 by the end of the year.... Wouldn't you question why? Anyone who does any amount of mailing would question it.
Bottom line is they are gouging us to get that extra proffit.
Sorry but the Repubs held Congress, Senate and White House for 6 years with an oilman in the WH and did nothing. So you can blame Dems all you want but the country knows better. But what can you expect from Repubs? Certainly not accountability or responsibility.
Our Politicians just need to go BACK TO SCHOOL, since they seem to blame everyone and everything with the exception of THEMSELVES. VOTE THESE SCUMBAGS OUT. Our Politicians are the ones who put the block on drilling way back when. How stupid do they think we citizens are???? The problem is supply and demand, period!!! Until we can drill on our own lands, seabeds, coal to oil, etc., NOTHING IS GOING TO IMPROVE. My Gosh foreign countries are ALREADY slant drilling into OUR SEA BEDS off the coast of Florida. I say SHAME ON OUR CONGRESS and OTHERS!!!!
Just a note, we actually NEED our own oil ............UNTIL all the alternatives are up, running, and available to the public (this is going to take a whole lot of years folks). It will NOT happen tomorrow or the next day.
Many items in our consumer driven world are based on oil..........besides just power for your cars or heat, etc. Packaging is made from oil, a WHOLE LOT has to do with oil. WAKE UP would ya.
I notice that Republicans seem to be very eager to defend the oil companies versus the interests of the American people. Where are the proposals from the Republicans on our behalf other than ruining our environment for no guarantee of affordable oil?
Actually the Florida and California governors who refuse to allow drilling off their shores are both Republicans.
IN the end, they know better. If they do that, people will know who and what they are and they can't afford this with the current election coming up. They wouldn't dare but they could try.. lol
Okay. Let's simply continue to tear up the good Earth for domestic oil exploration, natural gas exploration, coal and minerals. Let's rip into this planet until our rape, pillaging and plundering of the land manages to suck every drop of OIL out of it.
Let's disrupt the caribou migration patterns so that we can tap into a relatively small amount of OIL in the pristine Alaskan tundra. Let's not give a hoot in Hell about those remote Eskimo tribes, polar bears or frozen wonderlands that are so necessary to our very survival.
Let's all join the Partnership for America's Energy Security to encourage our elected officials to allow more drilling for domestic OIL (as if that's going to solve our energy crisis).
All that makes much more sense than trying to generate more alternative energy plans. Why should WE have to give up our gas-guzzling SUVs and Hummers just because the world's running out of OIL? And what happens once WE have squandered all of our own resources (as well as the rest of the world's)? Why should WE have to become more dependent on mass transit, drive more fuel-efficient vehicles, bicycle or even (God forbid!) WALK to work?? Why should we be expected to conserve energy just because the rest of the world is also relying more and more on more and more energy?
Why don't we start more unconstitutional, illegal, immoral 'wars' against those Middle East countries - and why is OUR oil buried underneath their SANDS??
The solution is NOT drilling for more OIL. The solutions lie in our ability to become less dependent on OIL.
Whether you believe in ';God';, or an ';intelligent designer'; or Mother Nature or an evolutionary ';big bang'; theory, you must also accept that every other plant and animal on this Earth was placed here for a purpose. Caribou, tse tse flies, poisonous little frogs in the Amazon Basin, mangrove forests, polar bears, insects, oceans, forests, snakes, remote Eskimo tribes, mountains, Venus fly traps, trees, rain forests, flood plains, wetlands, honey bees, swamps and rain forests were all put on this Earth for a reason. It is not man's 'right' to destroy all of that just so he can drive big fancy cars or eat sushi in five-star restaurants.
We were given dominion over all other plants and animals on Earth. That doesn't mean we were given the authority to decimate the planet, rape it of all its resources, and kill off all its lesser inhabitants - all in the name of profit and comfort.
Domestic OIL exploration is only a temporary solution to our energy crisis - and one that will certainly result in the further destruction of our planet. If we don't start looking out for the Earth, the Earth will soon stop looking out for us. And we, then, will be doomed as a species. -RKO- 05/23/08
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