Monday, July 26, 2010

Oil Price is up 50% in Past 6 Months. Exxon Stock is Down 5%. Can Pelosi Explain This?

Didn't Pelosi say that doubling oil prices makes oil companies rich? Why did the shareholders of Exxon losing money over the past 6 months while oil prices doubled?;t=6m鈥?/a>Oil Price is up 50% in Past 6 Months. Exxon Stock is Down 5%. Can Pelosi Explain This?
Pelosi is probably pleased that their plan is working. Ridiculous environmental regulations that prevent new refineries or even expanding old ones. The system is breaking and the democrats are only stepping on top of it.

Now in california they want the oil companies to have to buy carbon ';credits';. WTF? Until we find a solution to replace oil with it is all we got! The economy doesn't run on wheat grass and chai tea. It is like burning down the house you live in because you want to move, but haven't found a new one yet.Oil Price is up 50% in Past 6 Months. Exxon Stock is Down 5%. Can Pelosi Explain This?
I am appauled that you would make a remark about the honorable Nancy Pelosi! She does a darn good job! I am a strong democrat and I think she does an incredible job! She doesn't pick sides all the time...she may be democrat but she listens to the repulicans and everyone else...just because oil went up 50% and Exxon's stock went down doesn't mean that Pelosi is responsible! Nor is is Presiden Bush's even though he is an awful president...its the consumers to blame!
Stock is down, not profits. Big difference. I'm sorry they couldn't get the same profits as the previous quarter which was the most profitable company in world history. Sad when $10.9 BILLION in PROFITS is a disappointment, huh?

Many economists say the stock market will lose about 25% in the next 6months. And if the speculation market isn't regulated, the little raw goods bubble -- oil being the main one is forecasted to last for a couple more years before it busts.

But, let's look at it another way. OPEC increased oil supply last week and the price WENT UP. So doesn't that contradict your entire arguement that increasing production will lower the cost? Sure looks like it.

Sorry, oil/gas is up because the US dollar is worth half it's trading value when Bush came into office. The speculation market accounts for 25-45% of the current cost, and LASTLY supply is of some concern, but not nearly as much as the first two I just mentioned.
People are idiots. I remember watching on cspan the oil execs talking to the senators, and thinking, why the hell didn't we elect these guys. To the guy saying the execs make 100s of millions of dollars, can you back that up? On the public companies, you can just go to their websites and check their total compensation pakages. Compare it to your favorite team's QB, and let me know who makes more.
It's called commodity speculation. Since the last speculative market (the housing market) collapsed, speculators have moved into oil and are now driving up prices there.

Since you conservatives are all about letting the market do whatever it wants, you should be happy about this.

And trust me, the Oil company executives are still making their hundreds of millions each year.
Profits are not a definition of how well a company is doing, nor is the stock.

If I had a company that I was the president of, and I was set to make 100k profit at the end of the year, I would raise my salary by 100k....NO my company failing?

because the oil companies have to lower their profit because of pressure from the government and consumer and they lose more money because it is getting harder and harder to drill and extract the oil so in return the stocks go down.
When did Pelosi become the prezident?

You got a problem with the price of oil why not ask the prezident he is the ';Decider'; not Pelosi.
They posted the biggest all-time profit in corporate history, 17% higher than last year. $40 billion profit.

I'd say that is pretty rich.
are you honestly trying to defend the oil companys? attacking Pelosi for some comment she made.really,sell your PC and go away.
hey Marc that was the most brillant simple answer to a complex question I have seen yet thanks for the belly laugh and your wit it was much needed in these days and times
She can't even explain the price of tuna fish, and she owns a fleet of tuna boats.
So what dollar is half in last 7 years . people are running away from dollar.
She hopes we wont notice.

This is one of the Dem selling points.

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