PetroChina has a market cap of 1 trillion.
For some reason Citgo (Petr贸leos de Venezuela) always has the best price at the pump and maybe if PetroChina had stations prices would be more ';competitive';.
Also, I Support all American Companies (Ford Motor, Microsoft, Boeing, HP etc.), except Big Oil.Is anyone else glad than Big Oil has a new kid on the block...Sorry EXXON-MOBIL etc.?
finally, oil companies will have to compete against cheap comunist labor. wonder what all the Exxon bootlickers will say when exxon starts getting their bruhas kicked by commies.
think they will still say it is free trade??Is anyone else glad than Big Oil has a new kid on the block...Sorry EXXON-MOBIL etc.?
Why is this a good thing? Geesuz, rooting for a trillion dollar oil corporation? That's what we need another oil corporation to help promote more pollution in China. As if they didn't have enough air pollution already. Did you know that the burning of fossil fuels ( including the burning of coal) in China is greatly effecting our own air quality in the U.S? I think the idea is to get off oil and stop depending on oil for our energy source. That would be the wiser answer. I support companies that are willing to take risks and be the forefront of new technologies that don't burn fuel at all. Battery power is the way of the future and there are many small companies (not corporations) that are making great ground into this field.
I support the ones that are looking at renewable energy. Companies that offer E-85 is a great way to help out.
I wounder how long after ethenol gains popularity, til people start complaining about haveing to replace their oil tanks due to it corosive propertys. As for ';Big Oil';, (A leftist term that has gained popuylaritry.) I am quit satisfyed with the product that they provide. After all it gets me from A-B and back to A again. It provides electricity to light my home and #2 fule (Purple(Road Tax-exampt) desile) to heat my home. I am not happy paying the high prices at the moment but its not as bad as my doctors bill. (Now thats a rip off.) Now taxation thats another one. Gas is at $2.79 or so a galon, but I get a gallon of gas. When the government taxes me its like $6.00 per ............, well I don't accually get anything in reture becuase my road taxes are payed for in tolls and in exise taxes, and I gave the Army 3 years so I feel that I have done my part. The point is why do we demonize companys that provide a needed (We all use oil.) product or service and not not critasize our government robbing us and giving us nothing in reture. If you hate oil companys don't buy from them. I hate public education so I don't send my kids to their indoctorination schools, even thought I still have to foot the bill. You seem a bit hypacritical to me. The fact is (Look into the science behind every thing we use in our socity.) No oil-no modern America everything runs on it. So its dirty, lets try to improve it. Invest your money in other technologys and if they work you'll be rewarded. Lg. corparations are need becuase most Americans are too scared or lazy to work for them selfs. So instead we do nothing and complain about those that are doing somthing.
I don't see any reason to be glad about Communist China taking over the #1 spot from Exxon-Mobil. You do realize who controls PetroChina don't you??
You support Boeing? When is the last time you bought a 767?
i already paid Exxon today
Wait.... If Exxon had a $1 trillion 'cap', you'd be all foamy and venomous right now. What gives?
Well just remember that when you are getting your gas at CITGO your giving money to Hugo Chavez, a dictator who hates American is helping Iran.
The answer is to drill for our own oil so we don't depend on other countries.
All gas stations get their gas from different places. In the city where I'm living, all stations get their gas from a company called Ashland Oil. Citgo, Marathon, Exxon, and all the rest get their gas from this company but they all have different prices. If you think they get their gas from their own company you're only fooling yourself. Ashland Oil is the only plant within a few hundred miles so of course they are going to get their gas from them.
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