Friday, July 23, 2010

Can Dems Explain why Oil is Up $8/Barrel Yet Exxon and Conoco are Down Today?;s=xom鈥?/a>Can Dems Explain why Oil is Up $8/Barrel Yet Exxon and Conoco are Down Today?
because most of the oil companies nowadays are nationalized by foreign governments,beyond the control of the Western Multi-Nationals and even when allowed into a country,they have to be willing to give out a lot of concessions to the foreign governments in order to drill in those said countries.Can Dems Explain why Oil is Up $8/Barrel Yet Exxon and Conoco are Down Today?
because speculative traders are easy to manipulate with threat of supply concerns created by destabalization of the midddle east.

Notice how the latest jump was only because some investment bank claimed it was going to hit $150. now it will.

While Exxon, and the right-wing corporate applogists like to claim the government makes the most on oil, it is actually the traders on Wallstreet who make the most on it.

also, the stocks tend to dip and rise in daily value depending on many market factors far more numerous than just oil prices.

If you extend that chart out a bit, this doesn't look like they are down, just possibly means someone might have sold off a bunch, because they were getting cold feet about oil prices exceeding market factors, a situation that isn't sustainable forever. You know, when you gamble, have a target and a minimum, get out when you get close, reach it, or too far away.;t=5y鈥?/a>;t=5y鈥?/a>
It's the demand..%26amp; wall street speculators..DEMs %26amp; REPUBS, can just stand %26amp; watch. They're not paying their transportations ..we are.
They most likely didn't get their Government subsidy check the Republicans set up for them yet this month !!
Oil is publicly traded on the WORLD markets.

ExxonMobile doesn't set the price of oil... WE do!

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