... per barrel?Libs Say Importing Destroys Jobs. Should We Quit Importing Oil So that Exxon Can Sell American Oil at $500 ..
In case you didn't know the US has plenty of oil/gas under the US itself...and I am not talking about Alaska either. It isn't the ';Sweet'; crude, but it is still oil and available to us. PERIOD!Libs Say Importing Destroys Jobs. Should We Quit Importing Oil So that Exxon Can Sell American Oil at $500 ..
Did you forget that G Bush did not re sign into law the textile bill which in turn allowed all the ships sitting of shore to port? How many jobs each day have we lost because of that. Go look at the labels on the backs of clothing. All these new stores that have just popped up in our malls? You forget how much you great leader has sold this country down the drain. I am not about pointing parties because it draws lines between people. I am on the other hand tired of cons Christian bad mouthing libs. They always try to redirect the issue onto something in the past. They dont stand on the issues of todays times and blame everybody else for the mistakes G Bush is making in office.
How many companies have declared bankruptcy, only to drop everything on the tax payers. Then to pay to have everything shipped to Mexico. I dont know how many companies have declared a lose at the tax payers expence. If I was a Cons Rep, I would be up in arms about my tax money being used in this fashion.
Said that we are willing to sell everything in this country to the highest bidder. All the while we ***** over party lines, we listen to people like Rush, people like this that ask this question, people that devide and fell to bring together.
WWJD,,,, would he tear apart a group of people or try to find common ground to bring them together.
Why not?
Americans would all of a sudden find themselves with a fantastic new interest in alternative energies.
If it could help save the planet in any way, I'm all for it!
And yet the hold Clinton up as this great leader.. conveniently forgetting that he pushed our horrible trade deal with China through. Going as far as saying that there were be a nuclear war with China if we didn't.
No. We need to abolish the privileged status of the oil companies--so they can no longer suppress alternative technologies from competing.
We don't need foreign oil. We need modern technology for energy production, instead of relying on 19th century technologies like coal and oil.
Exxon/Mobile get away with their price gouging because they are protected by the neoconservaties--notably the Bush administration.
Do the math, why don't you? During the Bush administration, the price of gass has risen by over$1.00 a gallon, even after discounting inflation and the tens of billions of taxes that the government is collecting.
Now--the price of oil has gone up less than $45 /barrell. The oil companies must pay that--but only on oil they import--whiich is about 50%. So the average added cost to them is about $22 /barrel--or less). There are about 55 gallons per parrel. That works out to about 40 cents per gallon--but the've raised the price by over $1.00 per gallon.
The actual figures overall are even more extreme. And that costs jobs. When people have to pay hundreds of dollars extra for gas, that leaves less to purchase other goods. That slows real economic activity and growth, reducing jobs.
And other imports? We're seeing whats really going on: the so-called economic gains by trade with China were based on allowing unsafe products in, from toys to pet food to lipstick--and you can bet that's only the tip of a very big iceberg. Products produced by slaves and children.
Now--with that unfair competition removed, American toy manufactureers are hiring workers and growing--thats jobs and money that stays in Amrica and helps Americans.
I'm NOT against free trade--as long as it is really free trade. What we have isn't free trade--its a blank check for special interests to make unearned profits by ripping people off and stunting our own economic growth.
You people need to check your facts. Gas today(with the adjustment for inflation) is about 27 cents cheaper today than in 1981. As for all you ';OHHHHHHHHHHHH, it's Bush....it's Bush, it's all about oillllllllllll...........whine ,whine'; We import more oil from Canada, than Saudi Arabia. We import more oil from Mexico, than from Saudi Arabia. In fact we import more oil from non OPEC countries than we do from all the OPEC countries put together.
';Libs Say Importing Destroys Jobs.';
can't seem to recall ';libs'; saying this
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